Join the Camp Lawrence
Common Questions
How are staff selected?
Camp has openings for up to eight female and eight male counselors. Additionally, four Activity Staff members, Nurse, Waterfront Staff, and C.I.T.s are hired. Each year, the Directors first review the potential returning staff to determine the new openings available. We are pleased to have a good rate of returning staff members. But, every year we need quality new staff as well.
The directors review the applications with the openings that exist in mind. Prior experience with Camp is a plus but by no means necessary or a guarantee. A love of and experience with working with children as well as leadership experience are needed. Solid recommendations by people who know you well are important.
After reviewing applications and recommendations, the directors have face to face interviews. These are very important in determining if a person really has the right fit for Camp.
A limited criminal background check is made of all applicants. This is primarily done to assure the safety of our children from sexual predators. We do not receive detailed information (i.e. traffic tickets) that would not be relevant to hiring purposes.
A Camp Lawrence Staff Member needs:
Good Moral Character and Integrity
Good Health and Vitality
Emotional Maturity
To Enjoy Outdoor living
To Like working and being with Children
To Be able to place the needs of the Children ahead of oneself
The Ability to work as part of a group
A Desire to contribute to the success of Camp
What kind of training will I receive?
Now that you have a job at Camp your next question is: How will I know what to do?
Don't worry. All of the staff show up a week before any of the kids for Staff training week. During this week you will engage in a variety of activities to build up a bond with your fellow staff members, learn the duties of the staff, get into the routine of Camp Life and absorb the experience of previous staff members. You will cover the Staff Manuel which gives instructions on how to do your job and deal with many of the situations that can or may occur over the summer. Also there will be role playing activities to explore Camp life and discussion time.
Also, you will take a few hours to participate in what is known as VIRTUS training. VIRTUS is a program to inform and prepare people who work with youth about the difficult topic of Child Sexual Abuse. The program is a combination of Video presentation and discussion. You are then asked to follow up with online reading/worksheets. The Catholic Church requires all employees and volunteers who have substantial contact with minors and individuals at risk to participate in VIRTUS or similar programs. In this program you will learn the signs to watch for, ways to protect children and ways to protect yourself.
Where do the staff live?
The counselors and C.I.T.s live in the cabins. Each section of the cabin has two cubby holes. These are small rooms to give the counselors some privacy. The directors and activity staff live in the Staff House across from the cabins. On evenings off, counselors and CITs can come over to the Staff House to relax.
What about time off?
As required by the American Camp Association, all staff members receive 24 hours off each week. The 24 hours start on Saturday at noon and run through to Sunday at noon when the Sunday staff meeting starts. Additionally, each staff member is given two "nights" off each week. The night off starts after the campers are in bed and ends at the 11:30 p.m. curfew.
What is the pay?
All staff members receive room, board and the necessary supplies for their job in addition to a weekly stipend based in part on the number of years experience as a staff member at Camp Lawrence.